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CASE STUDY: Training mission accomplished

An automotive manufacturer wanted to overcome historical challenges in employee training and engagement to improve customer satisfaction and sales results.

BI WORLDWIDE's Bunchball Go mobile platform led users through training missions and manager communications while rewarding them for efficiencies in repairs.


An automotive manufacturer wanted to elevate its central training program as the focal point of the dealerships’ performance and the employee experience. Their goal was to maximise growth and increase customer satisfaction in a community that was historically difficult to engage.


The company chose BI WORLDWIDE's mobile-friendly gamification platform, Bunchball Go, to engage users and drive them to goals on their training portal. Bunchball Go led the users to training missions and manager communications while rewarding them for efficiency in repairs.


  • User engagement in the program doubled over initial expectations.
  • Push notifications, real-time missions and leaderboards drove active engagement and collaboration.

A high percentage of active users are now engaging with the portal — more than double the initial expectation. Push notifications and missions positively affect technician engagement while leaderboards drive collaboration.

Due to the flexibility of BIW’s Bunchball Nitro solution, the program could quickly adapt to changing business needs. Missions were created in real-time, leading service technicians within dealerships to easily access and learn vital information around the COVID-19 pandemic.

Drive engagement with the leading enterprise gamification platform | +61 2 89085600

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