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How to motivate employees

How should you motivate your employees? You don't have to become a mind-reader. You just need the right tools that deliver actionable insights.

Finding the perfect fit starts here.

Every business has a different culture. To beat the competition, you need to build a team of employees who thrive in yours. First, you need to understand what it's really like to work for your company. What makes your employees excited to come to work each day? How to motivate employees? What things do you offer that they couldn't care less about? They'll tell you – just ask. Then use that insight to develop your unique employee value proposition (EVP) and leverage it to build a team that's as invested in your brand as you are.

Where do you start? With BI WORLDWIDE's New Rules of Engagement.

Through extensive global research and real-world application, BI WORLDWIDE has determined the 12 factors that have the greatest influence on employees' relationships with their companies. Understanding which of those 12 factors are most important to your employees is critical in developing your EVP. Is having a "cool" place to work (Rule #5) top of their list? Or do your best employees think Rule #8 ("see their future") is non-negotiable?

It may seem daunting, but it actually couldn't be simpler to uncover which factors matter most to your team members. The New Rules of Engagement survey asks employees a series of questions relating to the 12 rules. The results speak volumes about their priorities and become the foundation for your unique EVP.

The survey is just part of BI WORLDWIDE's full spectrum of tools and support that make it easy to develop and implement your EVP. And a thoughtfully planned, meticulously executed EVP is the secret sauce that attracts, engages and retains the best employees for your business.

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Learn how to motivate employees with the new rules of engagement

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